

Construction Performance

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번호, Title, 작성자, 등록일, 조회수를 나타내는 표이며 Title링크를 통해서 게시물 상세내용으로 이동합니다

NO Client Business name Construction period
28SK HyengM15 1st relocation equipment Hook up_Etch,Clean 2019. 06~2019. 12
27DB HiTekUTILITY HOOK-UP construction 2019. 05~2019. 07
26DB HiTekSangwoo Plant 2019 Utility HOOK-UP construction 2019. 01~2019. 04
25Magnachip SemiconducCheongju Plant from 1Q to 4Q of 2018 HOOK-UP construction 2018. 04~2018. 11
24LB SemiconLB Semicon from 1Q to 4Q of 2018 HOOK-UP construction 2018. 05~2018. 09
23SK HyengM15 pre-stocked supply device in 2019 2018. 12~2019. 01
22SK HyengM15 pre-stocked investment equipment hook-up construction work in 2018 2018. 12~2019. 03
21SK HyengM15 PJT 55K hook-up construction_2018 investment 2018. 09~2019. 03
20SK HyengM15 1Way Equipment investment_Clean, Etch 2018. 06~2018. 12
19LG Siltron Co.,Ltd.Construction of EPI C/R high-purity gas line 2011. 06~2011. 09
18LG Siltron Co.,Ltd.LPE high-purity GAS PIPING and 13 others 2010. 05~2010. 05
17LG Siltron Co.,Ltd.CLEAN ROOM GAS PIPING WORK 2010. 05~2010. 06
16LG Siltron Co.,Ltd.High-purity LINE SUB MAIN construction and PURIFIER H/P 2010. 04~2010. 05
15LG Siltron Co.,Ltd.Construction work on Building B 80K/M GROWER HOOK-UP 2009. 10~2010. 02
14LG Siltron Co.,Ltd.FAN COIL UNIT manufacturing and installation work 2009. 05~2009. 05
13LG Siltron Co.,Ltd.EPI BOX CLEANER CDA PIPING WORK 2009. 03~2009. 05
12LG Siltron Co.,Ltd.Air conditioning DUCT modification in Building B of Plant #2 and 27 others 2009. 01~2009. 04
11LG DisplayP2/3 irrational repair work 2008. 07~2008. 09
10LG DisplayCF1345 Plsma-Asher Hook-Up construction (facility construction) 2008. 06~2008. 07
9LG DisplaySpecial inspection of UT piping and revision work for blueprints 2008. 05~2008. 08
8LG DisplayP4/6 heating pump relocation work 2008. 06~2008. 08
7LG PHILIPS LCDP1 CDA BACK-UP SYSTEM installation work 2006. 05~2006. 07
6LG PHILIPS LCDRelocation work for P3 Defect Analysis Room related to new construction of 3F Photo, P3 Central Building (facility construction) 2006. 05~2006. 05
5LG PHILIPS LCDImprovement work on Hot DI Heat Pump application for P2/3 plant (machinery/piping work) 2006. 05~2006. 09
4SK HyengM15 3rd relocation in 2019 2006. 05~2006. 09
3LG PHILIPS LCDImprovement work on boiler supply water line 2005. 04~2005. 05
2LG PHILIPS LCDFacility construction related to P2 TFT Capa-up (Hot D.I repair work) 2005. 04~2005. 06
1LG PHILIPS LCDInstallation construction of the TA Education Center of Building L of the Innovation School 2005. 12~2006. 01